2-color STED Superresolution Fibroblasts

2-color STED Superresolution Fibroblasts


Peroxisomes are ≈150 nm in diameter and are labeled with CF594. Stress fibers are labeled with Atto 647N.

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Our latest prepared slide uses STED super resolution compatible fluorophores

  • CF594 for peroxisomes

  • Atto 647N for stress fibers

Peroxisomes labeled with CF 594

Image shown is widefield. STED images coming soon!

Peroxisomes, have an average diameter of 150 nm, making them an ideal target for STED super resolution.

This slide is still undergoing development and details are subject to change.

Phalloidin labeled with Atto 647N

Image shown is widefield. STED images coming soon!